
The UvuvLib Motor Class

UvuvMotor::UvuvMotor(uint8_t port, bool isReversedArg, Gearing gearRatioArg, pros::motor_gearset_e gearset, 
    UvuvMotor* pairMotorArg, PIDController* pidArg)
  • port - V5 Smart Port number

  • isReversedArg - Defines direction of the motor spinning. True is reversed, false is foward

  • gearRatioArg - Gear ratio of the motors mechanism. Accessed by "G_"

  • gearset - The PROS motor gearset

  • pairMotorArg - The motor paired with this motor. For example, leftFront and rightFront motors.

  • pid - The Built-in PID Controller for the motor


Spins the motor at the provided voltage, given that the motor is not disabled

void spinAtVoltage(int voltage)

voltage - An integer between -12000 and 12000. This number determines the voltage that the motor will spin at


Spins the motor in increments of 1/127 of its total power

void spinJoystick(int joystickValue)

joystickValue - An integer between -127 and 127 that determines the power that the motor spins at. This value would be the same one returned by a Joystick, hence the name of the function


Spins the motor as a percentage of its total power

void spinPerc(int percent) 

percent - the percentage of the Total Power of the motor. Takes in an integer value between -100 to 100


Uses VEX Built in PID. Spins the motor at the indicated percentage of motor power. (DO NOT USE WITH PID)[Quasi-Deprecated]

void spinPercVEXPID(int percent)

percent - the fraction of the Total Power of the motor. Takes in an integer value between -127 to 127


Spins the motor at the given RPM

void spinAtRPM(int RPM)

RPM - The Rotations Per Minute you desire the motor to move. Works through the PID Controller, so make sure that you assign one to this motor before using it.


Spins the motor around for how many degrees you provide it

void UvuvMotor::spinUntilDegree(int degree, int speedInVoltage)

degree - the amount of degrees you want the motor to spin

speedInVoltage - An integer between -12000 and 12000. This number determines the voltage that the motor will spin at


Spins the motor for how many seconds you tell it to

void spinFor(float seconds, int speedInVoltage)

seconds - the amount of timke in seconds that the motor will spin for

speedInVoltage - An integer between -12000 and 12000. This number determines the voltage that the motor will spin at


Not yet Implemented


Sets the motor position

void set_zero_position(int position)

position - Sets the absolute position of this motor to position


Shuts down the motor

void shutDown()


Enables the Motor

void revive()


Checks if the motor is overheated, returns True if it is, false if it isn't

bool isOverheated()


Returns back the isBroken param

bool getIsBroken()


Returns the Rotations Per Minute that the Bot is doing at the moment

float getRPM()


Returns the voltage in the Motors at the moment

float getVoltage()


Gets the Motor Position in degrees.

float getEncoderPos()

Last updated